As we recognize National Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to emphasize the significance of prioritizing mental health and offering support to those affected by the tragic loss of a loved one to suicide. In this post, we share our insights, offering practical tips for suicide prevention and suggestions for coping with the profound grief that follows such a devastating event. Together, let us raise awareness, foster understanding, and facilitate healing during this important month. Continue reading Mental Health Awareness Month
Category: Suicide
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about mental health issues and the importance of seeking help. Mental illness is a serious issue that affects millions of people every year. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people in the world faces mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, many people suffering from mental illness fail to not seek help, leading to negative consequences such as suicide. Continue reading May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Sudden Death
While losing someone to death is always difficult, in certain cases, the way they passed can exacerbate grief. Whether your loved one died violently, in pain, as the victim of a crime or in another troubling way, this blog is meant to shine a light on the particular pain associated with sudden death. Continue reading Sudden Death
What Could Kill You Besides Coronavirus
With businesses and school shuttering and media outlets covering Coronavirus stories nonstop, it’s easy to get caught up in fear and worry. After all, to date, there have been 244,526 cases of the illness worldwide and more than 10,000 deaths. The United States reports 13,622 cases and 189 deaths. But allow us to allay your concerns.
As funeral directors, we deal with death on a daily basis. And we can assure you that you are far more likely to die from something other than COVID-19 than to succumb to the virus. We don’t share this to make light of the pandemic. We see how serious it is. However, to help stem the tide of public panic, allow us to point out a myriad of other reasons you could pass away: Continue reading What Could Kill You Besides Coronavirus
Coping with Grief Following a Suicide
How to grieve over someone who has taken their own life
Losing someone you love hurts, no matter how they died. But, in the case of suicide, the pain can be exacerbated by feelings of confusion, frustration and guilt – wondering why someone you cared about decided the only way out was to take his own life.
Facts about Suicide from
- 30,000 Americans commit suicide each year.
- In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the spring.
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and second for 24 to 35-year-olds.
- On average, one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes.
- Each suicide intimately affects at least six other people.
Although just one in 25 suicide attempts succeeds, you could eventually lose someone to self-harm. If so, you may experience many, if not all, of the following associated emotions:
- Your loved one’s suicide may be difficult to accept.
- Feelings of loss or abandonment are common following someone’s suicide. Some feel angry at others or themselves for missing signs of suicidal intentions.
- “What if” and “if only” scenarios may play out in your mind. Oftentimes, family members and friends blame themselves for the death.
- Gripped by sadness, loneliness or helplessness, you could face an emotional and/or physical collapse or consider suicide, yourself.
- Because it’s difficult to make sense out of self-inflicted death, survivors struggle to understand why their loved one took her life.
- You might wonder why your relationship wasn’t enough to keep your loved one from dying by suicide.
- Suicide is a difficult subject to broach. So, your friends and family may not know what to say or how to help. This could leave you feeling isolated or abandoned.
- Some religions limit rituals available to people who’ve died by their own hands. If this occurs, you could be left feeling deprived of some of the tools you depended on in the past to help cope with death.
How to Cope
The aftermath of a loved one’s suicide can drain you physically and emotionally. As you work through grief, protect your own well-being.
- Reach out to loved ones, friends and spiritual leaders for comfort, understanding and healing. Surround yourself with people who are willing to listen when you need to talk, as well as those who’ll simply offer a shoulder to lean on when you’d rather be silent.
- Do what’s right for you. Don’t worry about what you think other people expect. There is no single “right” way to grieve. This is true no matter the cause of death. If you find it too painful to visit your loved one’s gravesite or share the details about the death, wait until you’re ready.
- Anniversaries, holidays and other special occasions can be painful reminders of your loved one’s suicide. Give yourself permission to be sad or mournful. You may even want to change or suspend family traditions.
- Losing someone to suicide is a tremendous blow. Healing happens at its own pace. Don’t be hurried by anyone else’s expectations of when your grief will pass.
- Expect setbacks. Some days will be better than others, even years after the suicide — and that’s okay.
- Get Help. Consider joining a support group for families affected by suicide. Sharing your story with others who are experiencing the same type of grief could help you find a sense of purpose or strength. If you experience intense or unrelenting anguish or physical problems, ask your doctor or mental health provider for help.
About Foothill Funeral & Cremation
No matter how you lost the one you love, we would love to help. Give us a call (626) 335-0615 or drop by our Glendora showroom. In Covina, our relationship with Sacred Heart Chapel is the perfect place for mourners to host funerals and memorial services in a grandiose yet intimate setting. We proudly serve the San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles Basin, Orange County and the Inland Empire. Working in the mortuary industry since 1996, we have worked hard to build a reputation of quality, sincerity and trust. Please allow us to help you at your time of need or in the future. Call today (626) 335-0615 or drop by our showroom.