Plan a Funeral: 8 Steps

How to plan a funeralWould you know how to plan a funeral? Planning a funeral can be a difficult and emotional experience, but it is an essential part of saying goodbye to someone special. Whether you are organizing the arrangements beforehand or need to make plans after a loved one has passed away, there are several steps you can take to ensure that the funeral is a fitting and respectful tribute to their life. Continue reading Plan a Funeral: 8 Steps

How to Create a Memorial Display

Memorial Display ideaWhen someone you love dies, you will want to do as much as you can to honor the life they lived before they passed. To this end, we suggest you construct a memorial display. In this post-COVID-19 world, you may decide to skip setting up the display where you host the funeral. This is due to pandemic-related occupancy limits. After all, depending on the county where you live, you may have to limit the guest list. But even if you host a small in-person affair, you can help others grieve by setting up and filming a tribute display which you can either email or post online. If you aren’t sure where to start, read on. Continue reading How to Create a Memorial Display


Suicide Prevention Death FuneralsAs funeral directors, our saddest cases often center around the death of a child. But we are equally affected when death is self-inflicted. Suicide is a serious public health problem in the United States, which affects people of all ages. In fact, nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds. In America alone, 123 people die by their own hands each day, bringing the total number of suicidal deaths in the United States to nearly 45,000 every year. Tragically, suicide is the 10thleading cause of death in America among people aged 10-34. Globally, suicide is the 2nd most frequent cause of death among people aged 15-24 years. Continue reading Suicide

Afterlife: What Happens When You Die

Body floating into heavenExistential questions have plagued mankind since the days of Adam and Eve. Working in the funeral industry, we often encounter people who wonder what happens after death. Of course, answers to the question are often tied to religious and philosophical beliefs. While we can unequivocally explain what happens to your body scientifically and practically when it expires, we do not portend to know the answers to the deeper, theological question. But, just for kicks and giggles, here are a few of the most popular opinions about the afterlife: Continue reading Afterlife: What Happens When You Die