Local West Nile Victims
Carried by mosquitos and birds, West Nile Virus is a dangerous infection. It can claim the lives of anyone who has a weak immune system, such as the elderly and children. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine to protect against it. August and September are the busiest months for the disease. Already this year, at least six people have died in California due to West Nile Virus. At Foothill Funeral & Cremation Service, in the last two weeks alone, we have worked with three such families. One was an Arcadia resident, another was from Azusa, and the third, lived in West Covina.
Symptoms of West Nile
- Most people are asymptomatic. Seventy to eighty percent of people who become infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms.
- Fever Strikes. About one in five people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most people with this type of West Nile virus disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months.
- Severe symptoms in a few. Less than one percent of people infected with West Nile Virus will develop a serious neurologic illness such as encephalitis or meningitis (inflammation of the brain or surrounding tissues). The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seizures, or paralysis.
- Recovery from severe disease may take several weeks or months. Some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. About 10 percent of people who develop neurologic infection due to West Nile virus will die.
Our hearts go out to families across Southern California who have been impacted by this illness. And, as a service to our clients and friends, we want to offer some tips to help keep you and your family safe.
How to reduce incidences of West Nile
The most effective way to avoid West Nile virus disease is to prevent mosquito bites.
Use insect repellents when you go outdoors. Look for repellents that contain DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-methane-diol, which provide long-lasting protection.
- Wear long sleeves and pants from dusk through dawn when many mosquitoes are most active.
Install or repair screens on windows and doors. If you have it, use your air conditioning.
- Reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by emptying standing water from containers like flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded
tires, and birdbaths.
If, despite your best efforts, you suspect you might have West Nile, immediately schedule an appointment with your doctor or head to the Emergency Room.
About Foothill Funeral & Cremation
We would love to help you at your time of need or in the future. Drop by our Glendora showroom any time. In Covina, our relationship with Sacred Heart Chapel is the perfect place for mourners to host funerals and memorial services in a grandiose yet intimate setting. We proudly serve the San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles Basin, Orange County and the Inland Empire. Working in the mortuary industry since 1996, we have worked hard to build a reputation of quality, sincerity and trust. We would love to help you at your time of need or in the future. Call today (626) 335-0615 or drop by our showroom.