Millennials & Funerals

Millennials on Scene

While much has been made about the fact that Baby Boomers are starting to enter their Golden Years, another group is growing at an even faster clip – Millennials. In fact, by 2025, three out of four workers globally will be Millennials. What’s more, as their parents and grandparents age, this age group is the one most likely to choose caskets and urns and plan services. And that is changing the face of the funeral profession.

How Millennials Impact the Funeral Industry

  • They set trends. In California, seven out of ten people choose cremation over more traditional forms of handling the deceased. Millennials pride themselves on being the first to try anything new. At Foothill Funeral & Cremation Service, we remain on the cutting edge of every viable industry trend.
  • They are fully vested in digital platforms. Millennials make decisions based on the information they locate online. The first generation to have access to technology their entire lives, Millennials inherently understand how to cut through the clutter.
  • They are educated. In fact, they are the most educated generation in American history. More than 63% have bachelor’s degrees. And they use their education to inform their decisions. This is one of the reasons that eco-friendly burial options are gaining in popularity. They intrinsically understand the importance of making responsible choices.
  • They question everything. So, while other families might default to former family choices, they tend to investigate everything before deciding. This is good news for business owners like us, because we don’t rest on our laurels. Instead, we make sure we stay on top of industry trends.
  • They stay on trend. Committed to trying new things rather than relying on staid traditions, Millennials research everything. We are glad about this, because we work hard to earn our clients’ business. An example of this is our plans to be the first mortuary in California to offer Bio-Cremation.
  • They collaborate. We do, too. When we work with families to plan life celebrations and funerals, we make sure to honor their thoughts and wishes. That’s why Foothill Funeral & Cremation Services is flexible. We are proud to offer services in virtually every conceivable style instead of cookie-cutter ceremonies.
  • They grieve. Like people from every other generation, Millennials grieve at the loss of someone they love. Working in the mortuary industry since 1996, we understand loss. And we count it a privilege to help families through the grieving process. So, whatever your generation, give us a call (626) 335-0615.

About Foothill Funeral & Cremation

Whenever you were born, we would love to help you at your time of need or in the future. Drop by our Glendora showroom any time. In Covina, our relationship with Sacred Heart Chapel is the perfect place for mourners to host funerals and memorial services in a grandiose yet intimate setting. We proudly serve the San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles Basin, Orange County and the Inland Empire. Working in the mortuary industry since 1996, we have worked hard to build a reputation of quality, sincerity and trust. We would be honored to help you at your time of need or in the future. Call today (626) 335-0615 or drop by our showroom.