Grief in a Pandemic

Posted on August 25th, 2020 by Foothill Funeral and Cremation under Burial, Death, Funerals, Grief
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Grief Heartbreak LossWhile COVID-19 challenges us all, the pandemic has made things especially difficult for people grieving the loss of a loved one. Grief is the unwelcome companion to death. And, even in “ideal” circumstances, mourning is a stressful and painful journey. But while, burial and memorial follow loss, in times of normalcy, the Coronavirus has robbed people of these rites of passage. This is unfortunate, since these factor heavily in the healing process.

Grief in Death & StressGrief Foothill Funeral

People feel increased stress during uncertain times. Add to this fear and anxiety and throw in the loss of a loved one and chaos ensues. In the absence of typical mourning ceremonies, stress and anxiety levels increase tenfold.

Distraction-Free Grief

Loneliness and isolation set in with the lack of a strong support system. And, without the distraction of a funeral service or graveside service to plan, mourners spend a lot of time grieving. And this can exacerbate the levels of anxiety and deepen feelings of loss.

Group Think with Grief

Death and StressAdditionally, news anchors and reports constantly remind us all about illness and death. Turning on the television used to offer a brief respite. Now, escape is replaced by scary stories, reminding us that we face uncertain health, social lives, financial futures and careers. All of this anxiety and uncertainty can hamper plans to set a new course for life following their loss.

What to Do

While we can all agree that COVID-19 has proven challenging, there is hope amidst the madness. In Glendora, where Foothill Funeral & Cremation is located, like everywhere else, funerals, cremations services, and memorials help the bereaved cope with the grieving process. We help guide our clients to plan ceremonies which celebrate the life of the one who died. We encourage families to host a modest event or wait until they can invite as many people as they want. To read more about our COVID-19 policies, designed to keep everyone safe, click here. We also offer lots of free resources for grief support. COVID-19 Death

How to Cope with Grief

Grieving is nothing new. But the pandemic has changed the way people everywhere organize services such as viewing, burial or cremation. Understanding death is never easy. But with years of experience helping people cope with grief, we have developed several coping strategies:

  • Do Not Blame Yourself
    Practice self-compassion and understand that the grieving process is more challenging currently because of all the added stress and anxiety.
  • Surround Yourself with Loved Ones
    Even though you are grieving, you are also socially isolated. Therefore, is very important to reach out to others and to stay connected with them through social medial, phone calls, and video chats. You may not be able to gather physically. But you can do so virtually through Google Meets or Zoom. We also offer an online tribute portal, which we encourage loved ones to utilize for sharing memories and encouraging the family.
    Sad Woman Tear
  • Give Yourself Time to Grieve
    Grieving is a dual process. You must mourn your loss while simultaneously thinking about your future. Both are important. So, think and pray and meditate and cry and talk about your loved one. But don’t rush to make important decisions. Experts recommend waiting at least 12 months after the death of someone you love before making any major life changes.
  • Be Wary and Aware
    Pay attention to what is happening around you. But don’t obsessively watch the news. You’ve got enough on your plate. Go easy on yourself.

About Foothill Funeral & Cremation Services in Glendora, CaliforniaMourning Death Grief

Whether you choose to transport cremains now or hold a memorial or funeral after restrictions are further eased, we would love to help you celebrate your loved one’s life. At Foothill, we will do our best to make sure you can mourn the loss of your loved one in a safe manner. Feel free to contact us now to pre-plan your own memorial or at your time of need (626) 335-0615. Our relationship with United Methodist Church and Sacred Heart provide great places for mourners to host funerals and memorials. However, LA County may limit the number of people who can attend such an event in light of COVID-19. Call today to speak to one of our funeral directors about current options.

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